Pulmonary Rehab

If you have a lung condition like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or pulmonary fibrosis, you already know that your chances of respiratory infection will likely lead to hospital admission.

COPD is a chronic respiratory condition that can significantly impact an individual’s quality of life. It often leads to frequent hospitalizations due to exacerbations and complications. However, outpatient pulmonary rehab offers a proactive approach to managing COPD, aiming to reduce the need for hospital admissions.

Outpatient pulmonary rehabilitation programs have proven to be highly effective in reducing hospital admissions for individuals with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). These programs provide comprehensive care and support to patients, helping them manage their symptoms and improve their overall lung function.

Through a combination of exercise training, education, and counseling, outpatient pulmonary rehab helps patients optimize their lung capacity and develop strategies for coping with breathlessness. This comprehensive approach not only improves physical fitness but also enhances self-management skills, empowering individuals to better control their symptoms on a day-to-day basis.

Studies have consistently shown that participation in outpatient pulmonary rehab programs leads to a significant reduction in hospital admissions among COPD patients. By improving lung function, enhancing exercise tolerance, and providing valuable education on disease management, these programs effectively minimize the risk of exacerbations and subsequent hospitalizations.

“Pulmonary rehabilitation implemented within three weeks after discharge following a COPD exacerbation reduces hospital admissions and improves quality of life,” says a new guideline written by the American Thoracic Society and European Respiratory Society.

“Pulmonary rehabilitation can set you on the right path,” says Geoff Fraser, senior vice president of Clear Choice Health Care.  Fraser believes that it can provide an education to increase awareness about your lungs, your disease, and can show you how to control your breath during activity.

Patients with lung disease who experience frequent shortness of breath and are not able to perform daily activities even with daily use of medication, may benefit from expert help during therapy that targets better breathing methods.

“When you can’t breathe during your normal daily task, that’s pretty scary,” says Fraser. Because of breathing challenges, people with chronic lung disease tend to avoid exercise. Finding the right type of exercise for each patient can go a long way to improve the heart and muscle strength, and help you learn how to conserve energy and use oxygen more efficiently, adds Fraser.

At the start of therapy, you’ll be given a detailed evaluation. Part of the assessment includes a six-minute walk test that entails measuring the amount of oxygen in your blood. Knowing this information shows the therapist how much oxygen you will need during different types of exercise.

During therapy, oxygen levels are checked with a pulse oximeter. Before oxygen levels get too low, patients are taught preventative measures to increase their oxygen levels. Keeping breathing issues in check may help to avoid supplementary oxygen.

“Our outpatient rehab team includes physical therapists and respiratory therapists,” says Fraser.  “Together, we can create a personal program that can make a difference in daily life.”

More importantly, pulmonary rehab can help get people back as close as possible to their life prior to the onset of their illness. In addition to education, supervision, tips and advice, participants experience a sense of community that is equally as important.

“There’s a real camaraderie in rehab,” says Fraser.  “Connecting with others who have similar problems is therapeutic in many ways.”

Pulmonary rehab offers additional benefits beyond reducing hospital admissions. It has been associated with improved quality of life, increased functional independence, reduced healthcare costs, and decreased mortality rates among COPD patients.

Outpatient pulmonary rehabilitation plays a crucial role in reducing hospital admissions for individuals with COPD. By providing comprehensive care and support tailored specifically to the needs of these patients, it empowers them to better manage their condition and avoid exacerbations that may require hospitalization. Investing in these programs not only improves patient outcomes but also contributes to more efficient healthcare utilization.